All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book versions
Grounding and Bonding Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems
HVAC Fundamentals System Design, Operation, Selection, and Optimization
Recent Advances in Energy Harvesting Technologies
Plan for a Turbulent Future: Your Roadmap to Personal Resilience for a Changing Climate
Biofuel Technologies for a Sustainable Future: India and Beyond
Personal Data-Smart Cities: How cities can Utilise their Citizen's Personal Data to Help them Become Climate Neutral
Solar Energy: Advancements and Challenges
Energy Independence The Individual Pursuit of Energy Freedom
Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan, Second Edition
New Technologies for Energy Efficiency
Practical Solutions for Energy Savings A Guidebook for the Manufacturer
Canadian Energy Efficiency Outlook A National Effort for Tackling Climate Change
International Solutions to Sustainable Energy, Policies and Applications
Water Poverty The Next “Oil” Crisis
Energy Conservation Guidebook, Third Edition
Grid Parity The Art of Financing Renewable Energy Projects in the U.S.
Power Generation and the Environment
Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
Solar Technologies for the 21st Century
Alternative Fuels The Future of Hydrogen, Third Edition
Efficient Lighting Applications and Case Studies
Saving Energy and Reducing CO2 Emissions with Electricity
Plant Engineers and Managers Guide to Energy Conservation
Sustainability Management Handbook