All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book versions
Smart Grid Planning and Implementation
Energy and Analytics BIG DATA and Building Technology Integration
Exploring the Value of Electricity
Energy Centered Management A Guide to Reducing Energy Consumption and Cost
Energy Resilient Buildings and Communities A Practical Guide
Energy Security for the 21st Century
Automated Diagnostics and Analytics for Buildings
Boiler Plant and Distribution System Optimization Manual, Third Edition
Energy Conservation Guidebook, Third Edition
Dictionary of 21st Century Energy Technologies, Financing and Sustainability
Grid Parity The Art of Financing Renewable Energy Projects in the U.S.
Residential Energy Auditing and Improvement
Boiler Operator's Handbook, Second Edition
Power Generation and the Environment
Lighting & Controls Transitioning to the Future
Creating a Strategic Energy Reduction Plan
High-Performance Buildings A Guide for Owners & Managers
Pump User's Handbook Life Extension, Fourth Edition
Gas Turbine Handbook Principles and Practice, Fifth Edition
Disaster and Recovery Planning A Guide for Facility Managers, Sixth Edition
Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations, Fifth Edition
Solar Technologies for the 21st Century
Workplace Violence and the Facility Manager
Alternative Fuels The Future of Hydrogen, Third Edition